“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.”
~ Brené Brown
The other day I wrote a post about this on Instagram, which you can find on my site.
I got quite a few people commenting saying that they do it too and has had a really significant impact in their lives. It can help with calming and soothing the nervous system, managing anxiety and building your self-worth.
So do you fill yourself up from the inside too, or do you wait for others to tell you that you’re amazing and doing a good job?
If it isn’t something that you already do, I’d like to invite you to start telling yourself kind, supportive and encouraging things throughout your day.
For example:
“You’re doing an amazing job, well done!”
“I love you so much, you’re amazing!”
“Never mind if it didn’t quite work out this time, you’ll figure it out next time.”
“It’s ok to get it wrong, no one is perfect.”
“You did your best.”
I do this throughout my day. Whenever I need to hear it, whenever I need a little pep-talk, or just whenever. In my post on the Gram, I mentioned that this is self-soothing and supports the nervous system.
Well, it’s actually more than that.
Your Unconscious Mind is the part of you that runs your body. It runs between 95 – 97% of your human functioning. It needs to know that you appreciate and value it and all of the things that it is doing behind the scenes.
Your Unconscious Mind is like a 5 or 6 year old. So just imagine saying the things that you say inside your head that you say to yourself to a 5 or 6 year old…
There is so much more to it than this.
Your self-talk, inner-chatter, inner-conversation is a conversation with your entire body. When you say things that are mean and nasty to yourself, just imagine the impact that has on your cells.
When you say things that are kind and supportive, again, imagine the impact THAT has on your cells. If you’ve never looked on YouTube at videos of the experiments done showing the effect of words of kindness vs mean words on water…
Now keep in mind that our bodies are made mostly of water…
Time for a change perhaps?
It is not just about the way you feel, but also about the effect physically and mentally on your body.
I recently conducted an 8 Day Advanced NLP Practitioner Training, where we went into so much more detail about the science behind all of this, Neurotransmitters, the Quantum and holographic nature of the human body and so, so much more. It was super fabulous!
And until you’re ready to learn more about it in that level of detail, for now please trust me and believe that now is a good time to start being your biggest cheerleader.
Don’t wait for anyone else to tell you that you’re doing a good job. Tell yourself, tell your Unconscious Mind and imagine it being that little 5 or 6 year old who needs your words of love and support.
Wishing you magic and miracles!
Ayódele O. Kolade