Break Through What Limits
Are you ready for MASSIVE change in your life?
Perhaps you’re aware of the blind spots and limiting beliefs that are stopping you from getting to where you want to be in life.
Maybe you’re afraid of change, or you’ve had your confidence knocked by things that have happened in the past.
If you’re ready to breakthrough those limitations, this is the event for you!
If you’re one of those incredible people who is open to new ideas and ways of looking at life and would like to start thinking from a new perspective, you’ll be blown away by the secrets I share with you over the 2 days!
I’ll immerse you into and guide you through self-discovery processes to help you understand what drives you causes you to choose to behave in the way you do.
Not only will you experience an undeniable breakthrough and shift personally, but you’ll also meet new people who are also action-takers and are hungry for this too!
Break Through What Limits You! – Live Event
Date: Friday 16th and Saturday 17th November 2019
Location: Birmingham, UK
So many people are generally unhappy. Unhappy with their current circumstances and dissatisfied with life, perhaps because of painful experiences they’ve been through and maybe they haven’t yet found a way to move past what has happened and create the life they hope is also possible for them.
Even though these events happened in the past, unconsciously they impact on our current relationships, performance in jobs, our ability to earn the money we rightfully deserve and all manner of other things in our lives.
While you may want better relationships, to earn more money and have a happier life, for some reason you may not feel like you have what it takes to make these changes happen.
Or maybe you’ve tried, but haven’t been successful in achieving that… yet!
What makes it even more painful is seeing others around you achieving more, doing more, having the life you want – and it hurts. Feelings of envy and resentment build up; feelings you don’t want to have and but don’t know what to do to have things be different.
Let me show you how everything can change for you at this incredible and life-changing event!
You’ll have so many “Ahha!” moments over the course of the weekend, I promise you!
“I walked out of there this evening transformed and ready to face the world like never before. I’m sitting here this evening, not only feeling content but also with huge excitement of what my future now holds.
Thank you for everything.” – Shara-Kay | Teacher
I’ll be sharing some of the secrets to finally having a happy life after personally experiencing clinical depression for over 30 years of and being medicated for 8 years.
Over the incredible 2 days, I’ll introduce you to the most powerful tool for change I’ve ever experienced in over 20 years of study and research in the field of Mental Health and Transformation.
And during the weekend, you’ll not only get to experience that tool and technique first-hand but I will also teach you how to use it for yourself to clear negative emotions and limiting beliefs.
In addition to all of this (as if that wasn’t enough, right?!), you’ll learn life-changing goal-setting techniques and break through the limitations preventing you from achieving them.
If you’re ready to finally break through the limitations that prevent you from having the life you deserve, book now and reserve your seat.
All of this for ONLY…
£197 for the entire weekend!
The price will be going up next year, so get it while it is at the reduced rate. Book now!
Break Through What Limits You! – Live Event
Date: Friday 16th and Saturday 17th November 2019
Location: Birmingham, UK
You need to attend if you’re reading this and you’re screaming at your screen saying, “this is for me!”
Don’t delay and don’t miss out unless you want to stay stuck and remain feeling the way you do now, limited in your life and your outcomes.
But let’s be honest, no one wants that for you!
Instead, you want the happiness, successful relationships and income you deserve. That starts with clearing up the past and moving forward into your future with clarity and purpose.

The weekend workshop provided more than what I was originally expected. I came away with an overwhelming feeling of empowerment, ready to input it into my life to make it better. It is truly an experience you have to attend to fully understand the impact it has.
“I walked out of there this evening transformed and ready to face the world like never before. I’m sitting here this evening, not only feeling content but also with huge excitement of what my future now holds. Thank you for everything.”

I came away with an excellent sense of self. I felt confident, powerful, loved, safe, respected. I think it was an excellent opportunity for me personally as I felt I’d hit a lull/crossroads in my life. I knew I wanted and needed change, I knew it was up to me, I just didn’t know how……this workshop showed me what and how to get rid of limiting beliefs/blocks, however you may term it. I trust Ayódele unreservedly to help you move forward into the life you so truly deserve. It will be a life changing first step from an incredible and authentic women who is truly a blessing to me and will be to you too. Your life will be enriched by being in her presence.
I attended the work shop with some knowledge of what we would be learning. This knowledge allowed me to have a picture of the tools and techniques I could learn and use to better my life. However, the knowledge I walked away with was out of this world! I have to admit that I underestimated the power of Time Line Therapy®, but Ayódele showed me the way and I followed her lead. She allowed me to unlock so much more of my potential which I did not know even existed within me!! In the space of a weekend, I was able to learn techniques which allowed me to take control of myself, my emotions and my life! The whole experience was so powerful and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to become Empowered!! Thank you once again Ayódele!!
I’ve attended many personal development trainings before, however my awareness has significantly grown after this course and I discovered that my self-talk has pushed me away from goals instead towards, which now I can improve it. It was great experience thank you so much.
The weekend provided me with a rebirth, a knowledge of other ways to access capabilities through redundant thinking, a mental kick up the derrière, so I am glad I attended the weekend. Also it was delivered and executed excellently with the caring and professional touch of Ayódele.
Break Through What Limits You! – Live Event
Date: Friday 16th and Saturday 17th November 2019
Location: Birmingham, UK
If you want to know more, please use the form below to ask questions, or send an email to

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